A downloadable game for Windows

Oh shoot! You were playing D&D and your dice fell off the table! Fret not dear adventurer, the brand new GO GET IT! robot will fetch it for you, with the right face of yout roll!

Play as a robot that retrieves D&D dice that fell, and attempt to do it with the right face up, so your owner can keep playing.

Try to get the dice to the finish point while avoiding the obstacles.

WASD  -  Move
Q/E - Rotate Arms
Mouse Wheel - Rotate Hands
SPACE - Lower Arms
R - Restart Level

Made in 48 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2022

A game by:

Alandesson Carvalho
Felipe Buson
Gabriel de Andrade
Matheus Amaral
Rogerio Ghiraldeli


GoGetIt.rar 22 MB